Good day to all.
Another fantastic week here in Georgia, Wednesday. We went to the trainer/trainee meeting, which took up a good part of our day, but it was really motivational and gave me a little boost for the end of my mission.
Sunday was the day the real action happened though. On Sunday we had Brother Zeidner with us all day, he even drove us around day... in a Dodge Charger because the rental place didn't have anyother cars. Brother Zeidner is a Director at the Provo MTC. He has done a little bit of traveling around, working with missionaries to research the impact of the shortened time the missionaries stay in the MTC on readiness to be in the field. It's not so bad for missionaries learning another language, because they're still in the MTC for 6 weeks, but English speaking only go in for 2 weeks now instead of 3, about only 12 days. So before he was with us, he was in Argentina a couple weeks ago, then in Kentucky, then came to our mission to go with a couple of sets of missionaries. Brother Zeidner was such a help, had so much good to say. The whole experience motivated me even more to work my tail off until the end of my mission. We had an interesting experience together when we went to visit an investigator, and another man waved us over. He was drunk, and said "other missionaries from our church had called the cops on his friend and now his friend is in jail and might get deported. We assured him about 100 times that it wasn't missionaries from our church, and he kept going on about how bad it was. He told us that "he had told everybody around to not open their doors to us" and that if we wanted people to open their doors, we had to come over Monday (today) to his trailer and tell everybody it wasn't us. Well right after that, we went over to our investigators house and invited her to come to the meeting, but she didn't want to. Apparently his large group of friends doesn't include our investigator. :)
We also taught an awesome lesson together, we went to a person we had left the Savior's peace and blessings with the day before, but she wasn't there. We ended up being able to teach her daughter though, who at the age of 17 has such amazing faith in Christ. She firmly believed in needing to following Him to be able to live with Him, and everybody she knows can tell. In the end of the lesson, she was really unsure about praying to know if what we had taught was true, but brother Zeidner reminded us that we had done our best to invite her, so we had fulfilled our purpose. He told us that as long as we teach by the Spirit and with love, we've done our part. I'm going to be focusing on doing that for these last few weeks.
Thanks everybody!!
Elder Clark
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to quote Elder Clark "This is what happens when lots of missionaries get together!" |